The Question:

We asked of our users is to just tell us something about how they use VocabularySpellingCity. Here’s a collection of comments.


  1. I use spellingcity on a daily basis. I assign assignments or let students choose activities to practice words. I also administer their spelling tests weekly using your app.
  2. I’m only using the vocabulary portion of the program because I do not teach Language Arts (spelling). My Social Studies classes use the site for reinforcement of power vocabulary from a supplemental resource I use in class. I also print the worksheets for reinforcement. I like that I can add my own sentences so that the sentences are in context with what we’re learning. I like that it helps me expose the students to
  3. I have utilized SpellingCity in my Language Arts classroom on a consistent weekly basis for both Spelling and Vocabulary Practice for the last two years. It is used as one required component for our spelling practice in preparation for weekly tests.
  4. The students I currently teach in Language Arts are not ready for spelling as they are still learning the alphabet. I will use the program more when it is appropriate for my students.
  5. I am very pleased with VocabSpellCity, but I feel I am not utilizing it as well as I could. My problem is I share teach with another teacher and she has set the class up under her name. Is it possible for her and I to share access to the children’s activity so we can both see what is happening? <The answer is yes>
  6. I use the website to print their words, definitions, and other worksheets. Each week we use the Flashcard activity as a large group learning experience. We also play Audio Word Match as a large group. Many of the other activities are harder to use in a large group setting, so they spend one day a week playing the activities on their Chromebooks. I would love to have more large group activities available, so we can use the Smartboard to help the whole class. The students enjoy SpellingCity and I enjoy having my words available with all of the activities.
  7. SpellingCity allows for easy differentiation in spelling. I can have students on as many different lists as I need. We do come across some odd glitches each week, however. For example, this week it blocked some of my students from taking their spelling tests. It told them they had taken the test on the list before – which they may have, because it is a HFW list. They have to take it until they pass it. Is there a way to override this? <The answer is yes>
  8. I use it during intervention time for students to practice their words in a variety of ways, depending upon student needs. It allows for differentiation very easily. Some weeks I have one group test using SC on Fridays while I administer the test verbally to another group,or some weeks, everyone tests on SC. I can have students easily retest any incorrect words.
  9. We use spellingcity to practice our spelling words during the week. We also use it on test day. The students almost always take the test online.
  10. The kids enjoy it in class & at home. I use it for their weekly lists & spelling center work; I especially like the word search that I print out for one of my centers. The students stay on task with all the activities. I also appreciate that our grade level can share lists if they choose to do so.
  11. I use Vocabulary Spelling City weekly with our Words Their Way lists. I have kids use the games and do word work with our weekly lists. It would be nice to have a game that allows sorting words based on word features.
  12. I use SpellingCity to supplement my vocabulary/spelling instruction. The program aligns with our district curriculum, Words Their Way.
  13. Spelling City is being used in 5th Grade at our Elementary School for pre/post vocabulary assessments, writing assessments and all content area vocabulary.
  14. Room 207 loves spelling city. We use it in our Daily Five rotation as a word work station and several kids access it from home.
  15. I am using the Pretest and test to track students progress. The pretest allows me to see what students I need to pull for smaller group work and  give them additional support with certain word patterns.
  16. My school does not have one on one technology, but we do have enough technology for stations. I use SpellingVocabulary City activities every week for stations, and I have noticed a tremendous increase in grades because of it. I also use it as a homework assignment option, and my students love all the fun games and activities. Because we do not have one on one technology, I am not able to give my whole class a vocabulary or spelling tests online, but I do give the test using SpellingVocabularyCity for my lower students who struggle with writing and/or reading. These resources have made a huge difference in my students education and grades.
  17. I’m using spelling city with my two spelling groups. I’m also using it for my vocabulary practice.
  18. I use Spelling City in Language Arts daily. I use it on Monday to Pretest my kids on the the week’s spelling test. If they pass the test with 80% or more they are given a new list with Fry words that they do not know. They are given fry word spelling tests and I use the words they miss to give them a new list. They play Spelling City games at a center during Language Arts time as well. They take their spelling tests on Fridays. Features I like on Spelling City are the group feature. However I would like to be able to checkmark more than one list and group them all into one group, instead of grouping lists individually. I also like the games. The kids enjoy the games as well.
  19. I am very pleased with the Spelling City website. I use the site each week for students to study, play games, do practice assignments, complete homework assignments, and ultimately take Spelling and Vocabulary final tests. These spelling and vocabulary lists have been created to match our Wonders Reading Program. I also have used it for FSA Math vocabulary practice, Everglades Florida unit of study, commonly misspelled words, science vocabulary lists, and much more. I feel this is a very valuable resource and hope that my school can continue to finance this program for our school and our students.
  20. I’m using Spelling City to help students learn to spell sight words in Kindergarten.
  21. In regards to VocabularySpellingCity, I use it daily with the students in my class. I have imported the 3 differentiated spelling lists that I use weekly with my students which include ICS and ELL students. We have a daily spelling center that the students use in class. Also, the students can complete one spelling homework by playing a game or other activity with their spelling words on VocabularySpellingCity. In addition, the students receive five extra points on their spelling test if they take a test using VocabularySpellingCity. I taught the students to use this feature so they can study on their own in case their parents are working. Also, I have imported the high frequency words and vocabulary words from our new reading program, Wonders. Furthermore every week, I search for the spelling sound for my ELL students that aren’t using the second grade spelling program so they have games to play as well. Lastly, at the end of the year, I include your website as a free resource to practice grammar, vocabulary, and writing over the summer. This is a valuable resource that provides my students with engaging, entertaining, and excellent games, strategies, and resources. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.

We compile these lists months focusing on trying to understand how people are using the site and how best to provide more services to them.  We also pay a lot of attention to people’s frustrations and are constantly trying to make teacher’s live’s easier while improving the education efficacy of our program.


Teacher Talk: What they are saying to us

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